Sunday, October 12, 2014

Mike DeCapite: "And Yet--Score One For the Artists Against Death"

New York, October 11, 2014-- Mike DeCapite reads an excerpt from his chapbook, Creamsicle Blue, at The Enclave, a longstanding reading series organized by Jason Napoli Brooks and Jim Freed. "Life is a language that I'm starting to forget," deCapite writes, yet life as mindfulness is what's brilliantly recaptured in this brief excerpt--fragile sentiments expressed with such nuance in a piece of virtuoso, affirmative writing. Creamsicle Blue may be obtained from. the author at, from Amazon or possibly from Spoonbill and Sugartown in Brooklyn. The Enclave 
@enclavianmatter is held at the Cakeshop, 152 Ludlow Street, Manhattan, New York. Filmed by Liza Béar.