Directed by Ian Olds (Occupation: Dremaland), Fixer: Ajmal Naqshbandi initially follows the relationship between an Afghan intrepreter (fixer) and his client, US journalist Christian Parenti. Six months later, Ajmal is kidnapped by the Taliban with the Italian reporter Daniele Mastrogiacomo. Mastrogiacomo is released in exchange for the release of five Taliban prisoners, while Naqshbandi is beheaded by his captors. ". . .Ajmal was not simply an innocent bystander--collateral damage in a brutal war . . .To do justice to the man and the truth, Ajmal's story had to be told in the context of journalism and the escalating crisis in Afghanistan." [from Ian Olds' director's statement]. This post consists of excerpts from the second half of the Tribeca FF press conference, held at the DirectTV Press Center. The film won the Best Documentary award at Tribeca. The broadcast rights have been acquired by HBO Documentary Films. It will be aired in August.
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